실연의 달콤함이 뭘까 늙어 지난 것에 대한 달콤함 그런거겠죠.

10분 짜리 단편인데 영화 테마로 영화속 tv 가요무대 최백호 노래가 화면 가득하네요.

늙어가는 분들 보면(누구나 늙어가고 있지만) 김영애의 유행가에 눈물이 날 듯 합니다.

국제영화제라 영어로 노래 번역했는데 좋네요.


in a long rainy day

literally sitting at an old-fashioned cafe

listen to dark saxophone

with a cup of ballon flower whiskey in hand

over useless jokes to madam 

dressed up with red lipstick

listen to dark saxophone

now,this age,and up

how can i ask more for the sweetness of broken heart

somehow i feel empty in my heart

for the things i lost


late at night in the harbor

literally from the old ferry water front

though there is nobody to come back

listen to the sad boat whistle

my first love,that girl

is she getting old somewhere like me

the days that passed my life make me feel sorrow

just listen to the sad boat whistle

now,this age,and up

i got no regrets for my youth

somehow i feel empty in my heart

for things that never come back

for the romance

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