Former Arsenal manager Arsène Wenger said teams who focused on “competition” rather than “political demonstrations” performed better in the group stages of the World Cup.

Wenger, speaking as part of a media briefing for FIFA’s Technical Study Group in Qatar, appeared to be referring to the likes of Germany, which suffered a surprise exit from the tournament earlier this week.

“Going to the World Cup, you know you have to not lose the first game,” said Wenger, who has taken up a role as FIFA’s chief of global football development since stepping away from management, said on Sunday.

“Other teams who have experience, they have results in former tournaments like France, like England, like Brazil – they played well in the first game. And the teams as well who were mentally ready … [and] had the mindset to focus on competition and not on political demonstrations.”

노이어보고 국대 주장 내놓으라는 독일 여론도 꽤 센 것 같은데 저 제스처 토론 주도한 것도 노이어와 고레츠카였다네요.

발락, 마테우스 모두 플릭과 독일 축협 비난.

독일은 정치적인 견해를 드러낸 이유로 외질 쫓아내기도 했죠. 그리고 외질은 sns에 자신의 터키 혈통을 들며 독일 축협 비난하고 국대 은퇴

And in a stunning statement, he said at the time: “The treatment I have received from the DFB (German Football Association) and many others makes me no longer want to wear the German national team shirt.

“I feel unwanted and think that what I have achieved since my international debut in 2009 has been forgotten.

“I will no longer be playing for Germany at international level whilst I have this feeling of racism and disrespect. I used to wear the German shirt with such pride and excitement, but now I don't.

“When high-ranking DFB officials treat me as they did, disrespect my Turkish roots and selfishly turn me into political propaganda, then enough is enough.

“This is not why I play football, and I will not sit back and do nothing about it. Racism should never, ever be accepted.”

Ozil also said about former German FA president Reinhard Grindel: “People with racially discriminative backgrounds should not be allowed to work in the largest football federation in the world that has players from dual‑heritage families.

“Attitudes like theirs simply do not reflect the players they supposedly represent. In the eyes of Grindel and his supporters, I am German when we win but I am an immigrant when we lose.”

And just last year, Ozil said: “I wish the German national team success, but I will never play for them again.”

Football fans held pictures of Mesut Ozil while covering their mouths

스페인 경기에 나타난 외질의 사진

에르도안과 사진찍은 외질 처신도 꽤나 논란이 있긴 한데 카타르가 이번 독일 시위에 맞대응으로 외질 사진 쓰는 것은 놀랍군요.

외질은 터키와의 평가전에서 골 넣어도 세레모니 안 하고 터키 사람들로부터 야유듣기도 했죠.

음바페는 프랑스에서의 골 기록이 쥐스트 퐁텐에 육박하고 그리즈만은 클래스 증명. 이미 작년에 플리타니 프랑스 골 기록과 같을 걸요. 사실 프랑스가 작년 네이션스 컵 우승해서 월드컵에서도 약할 리 없다고 보기는 했어요.

이제 프랑스 - 잉글랜드 거의 전쟁을 방불케 하는 대진이 성사되었군요.

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