아이리시맨 대본 리딩

2020.01.29 23:43

mindystclaire 조회 수:724

아이리시맨 대본을 배우들이 2013년 투자가들 앞에서 읽는 장면입니다. 파치노는 손을 가만두지 않는군요. 이 리딩 중에 ILM에서 디에이징 기법이 있다고 했다고 합니다.

You had a script reading back in 2013 with Scorsese, Pesci, Pacino and De Niro all there. What was it like for you being in that room, coming together for the first time?

It was before Marty was going to go off and do Silence. I had said to Bob, "We should do a reading of it and we should tape the reading." I actually thought at one point that, if anything, at least we would have that reading. We might not make the movie, but we'd have a record of this reading. What was very special at the reading is you realized that it had a great deal of humor in it. Just listening to them, it came alive. When everybody came in, the actors were seated and Marty was going to sit in the audience, but then he decided that he should sit in the middle of the group as they were reading. And it was great to see him laughing and getting into it in the middle of it all. There was a momentum that picked up after that reading, and we said, "OK, we've got to make this now. We can't stop." It was at the reading that Pablo Helman from Industrial Light & Magic said to Marty that he thought he had a way to make the youthification tech work. That reading was a real turning point. It still took a long time after that before it got made, but it finally felt like it was on its way.


리딩 본 사람들 중에 어윈 윙클러가 제작에 참여하는데 이 사람은 80년 대에 알 파치노, 나스타샤 킨스키 나온 revolution 제작했다 망했음.

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