Why is it happening?

Why? Because they are used to it here, they are used to it. They don't play for something important yeah. They don't want to play under pressure, they don't want to play under stress. It is easy in this way. Tottenham's story is this. 20 years there is the owner and they never won something but why? The fault is only for the club, or for every manager that stay here? I have seen the managers that Tottenham had on the bench. You risk to disrupt the figure of the manager and to protect the other situation in every moment.

Until now I try to hide the situation but now no because I repeat I don't want to see what I have seen today because this is unacceptable and also unacceptable for the fans. They follow us, pay the ticket and to see the team another time to have this type of performance is unacceptable. We have to think a lot about this.

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케인 ㅡ 레알 마드리드 

Uno de los primeros nombres para el ataque del Manchester United se llama Harry Kane. En los últimos días, hablando con un agente, entendí que el delantero inglés preferiría quedarse en Inglaterra y consideraría la posibilidad de fichar por Old Trafford. El Tottenham, evidentemente, está en conversaciones para renovar su contrato, que expira en 2024, y las próximas semanas serán decisivas para ver qué camino toma Kane. Un factor determinante que influirá en la elección podría ser el próximo entrenador del Tottenham. Si llega Pochettino, Kane tendría más posibilidades de quedarse.

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