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julian barnes  
1. Flaubert's Parrot
2. Talking It Over
3. The Lemon Table
4. Staring At The Sun

Paul Auster
5. The Newyork Triology
6. Mr. Vertigo
7. The Invention Of Solitude (5000원)
8. I Thought My Father Was God
9. The Art Of Hunger

Milan Kundera
10. The Joke

Nick Hornby
11. Fever Pitch
12. How To Be Good

Yann Martel
13. The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios
14. Life Of Pi (5000원)

Chang-Rae Lee
15. Native Speaker
16. Aloft (Hardcover)

17. The Armchair Economist

Jonathan Safran Foer
18. Everything Is Illuminated

Murakami Haruki
19. The Elephant Vanishing

Umberto Eco
20. On Literature  

Doris Lessing
21. The Golden Notebook

<여기부터는 5000원>


C.S. Lewis
21.The Magicians's Nephew

Mark Haddon
22. The Curious Incident of the dog in the night-mare

F.Scott Fitzerald
23. The Great Gatsby

Tennesse Williams
24. Baby Doll and Other Plays
25. A Streetcar Named Desire and Other Plays

Roald Dahl
26. Matilda
27. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
28. Ten Short Stories

29. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

30. The Best Short Stories Of..
31. Notes from Underground and The Double

Oscar Wilde
33. Complete Short Fiction
34. The Importance Of Being Earnest (3000원)

Bernard Shaw
35. Pygmalion

George Orwell
36. The Animal Farm

Mark and Engels
37. The Communist Manifesto

Astrid Lindgren
38. Ronia, The Robber's Daughter

Virginia Woolf
39. Between The Acts
40. Night And Day

<아래부터는 3000원>
c0045401_4dac601310455.jpg 41. Jacob's Room
42. To The Lighthouse
43. A Room Of One's Own
44. Orlando
45. Mrs. Dallaway

Oscar Wilde
46. The Importance Of Being Earnest (3000원)

47. Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

48.Selected Tales

49. Pride And Prejudice

50. Sons And Lovers

51. The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz

52. Fairy Tales

Charles Dickens
53. A Tale Of Two Cities


50000원 이상 구매하시는 분께는 선물로 3000원으로 책정된 책 중 한권을 드리고,

혹시, 이 책을 전부 원하는 분이 계시면

Poe의 Selected Tales와
Dickens의 Great Expectation도 드립니다. 


배송비는 착불입니다.  

책 원하시는 분은 쪽지로 배송을 위한 휴대폰번호와 주소 보내주세요.  

좋은 밤 되세요. 꾸벅.     

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