오스카 감독상 수상자 사진

2012.09.19 20:52

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Lewis Milestone

Two Arabian Knights (1928). All Quiet on the Western Front (1930).

후보 The Front Page (1931).




Frank Borzage

7th Heaven (1928). Bad Girl (1932)



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Frank Lloyd

 The Divine Lady (1929). Cavalcade (1933).

 후보 Weary River (1929). Drag (1929). Mutiny on the Bounty (1935).





Norman Taurog

 Skippy (1931).

후보 Boys Town (1938).




Frank Capra

 It Happened One Night (1934). Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936). You Can't Take It with You (1938)

. 후보 Lady for a Day (1933). Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) It's a Wonderful Life (1946).



John Ford

The Informer (1935). The Grapes of Wrath (1940). How Green Was My Valley (1941). The Quiet Man (1952).

후보 Stagecoach (1939)


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Leo McCarey

The Awful Truth (1937). Going My Way (1944).

 후보 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)


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Victor Fleming

Gone with the Wind (1939)


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William Wyler

 Mrs. Miniver (1942). The Best Years of Our Lives (1946). Ben-Hur (1959).

후보 Dodsworth (1936). Wuthering Heights (1939). The Letter (1940). The Little Foxes (1941). The Heiress (1949). Detective Story (1951). Roman Holiday (1953). Friendly Persuasion (1956). The Collector (1965)


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Michael Curtiz

 Casablanca (1942).

후보 Captain Blood (1935). Angels with Dirty Faces(1938)Four Daughters (1938). Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)


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 Billy Wilder

The Lost Weekend (1945). The Apartment (1960).

 후보 Double Indemnity (1944). Sunset Blvd. (1950). Stalag 17 (1953). Sabrina (1954) Witness for the Prosecution (1957). Some Like It Hot (1959)


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Elia Kazan

 Gentleman's Agreement (1947). On the Waterfront (1954).

후보 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) East of Eden (1955). America, America (1963)


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John Huston

 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948).

후보 The Asphalt Jungle (1950). The African Queen (1951). Moulin Rouge (1952). Prizzi's Honor (1985)

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Joseph L. Mankiewicz

 A Letter to Three Wives (1949). All About Eve(1950)

후보 5 Fingers (1952). Sleuth (1972).




George Stevens

 A Place In The Sun (1951) Giant (1956)

. 후보 The More the Merrier (1943). Shane (1953). The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)



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Fred Zinnemann

 From Here to Eternity (1953). A Man for All Seasons (1966).

후보 The Search (1948). High Noon (1952). The Nun's Story (1959). The Sundowners (1960). Julia (1977)


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 Delbert Mann

 Marty (1955).




David Lean

 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957). Lawrence of Arabia (1962).

 후보 Brief Encounter (1946). Great Expectations (1947) Summertime (1955). Doctor Zhivago (1965). A Passage to India (1984)


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Vincente Minnelli

 Gigi (1958).

후보 An American in Paris (1951)


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Robert Wise

West Side Story (1961). The Sound of Music (1965).

후보 I Want to Live! (1958).


 Jerome Robbins

West Side Story (1961


Tony Richardson

 Tom Jones (1963)



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George Cukor

My Fair Lady (1964)

. 후보 Little Women (1933). The Philadelphia Story (1940). A Double Life (1947). Born Yesterday (1950)


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Mike Nichols

 The Graduate (1967).

 후보 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966). Silkwood (1983) Working Girl (1988)


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 Carol Reed

 Oliver! (1968).

 후보 The Fallen Idol (1949). The Third Man (1950).




John Schlesinger

Midnight Cowboy (1969)

. 후보 Darling (1965). Sunday Bloody Sunday (1971)


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Franklin J. Schaffner

Patton (1970)


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William Friedkin

The French Connection (1971)

. 후보 The Exorcist (1973).




Bob Fosse

 Cabaret (1972).

후보 Lenny (1974). All That Jazz (1979)


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George Roy Hill

 The Sting (1973).

 후보 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)


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 Francis Ford Coppola

The Godfather: Part II (1974).

후보 The Godfather(1972) Apocalypse Now (1979). The Godfather: Part III (1990).




Milos Forman

 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975). Amadeus (1984).

 후보 The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996).




John G. Avildsen

 Rocky (1976).




 Woody Allen

 Annie Hall (1977).

후보 Interiors (1978). Broadway Danny Rose (1984). Hannah and Her Sisters (1986). Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) . Bullets Over Broadway (1994) . Midnight in Paris (2011)


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 Michael Cimino

 The Deer Hunter (1978)




Robert Benton

Kramer vs. Kramer (1979).

후보 Places in the Heart (1984)




Robert Redford

Ordinary People (1980).

후보 Quiz Show (1994).




Warren Beatty

Reds (1981).

후보 Heaven Can Wait (1978).




Richard Attenborough

Gandhi (1982).





James L. Brooks

Terms of Endearment (1983)


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Sydney Pollack

Out of Africa (1985).

 후보 They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969). Tootsie (1982)


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 Oliver Stone

Platoon (1986). Born on the Fourth of July (1989).

 후보 JFK (1991)



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Bernardo Bertolucci

The Last Emperor (1987).

 후보 last tango in paris (1973).





Barry Levinson

 Rain Man (1988)

후보 Bugsy (1991)


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Kevin Costner

 Dances with Wolves (1990).





Jonathan Demme

 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)




Clint Eastwood

Unforgiven (1992). Million Dollar Baby (2004).

후보 Mystic River (2003). Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)



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Steven Spielberg

Schindler's List (1993). Saving Private Ryan (1998).

후보 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981). E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982). Munich (2005) Lincoln (2012)


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Robert Zemeckis

Forrest Gump (1994).




Mel Gibson

Braveheart (1995).




 Anthony Minghella

The English Patient (1996)


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James Cameron

Titanic (1997).

후보 Avatar (2009).





Sam Mendes

American Beauty (1999)

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Steven Soderbergh

Traffic (2000).

후보 Erin Brockovich (2000).





Ron Howard

 A Beautiful Mind (2001).

후보 Frost/Nixon (2008)





Roman Polanski

 The Pianist (2002).

후보 Chinatown (1974). Tess (1980).





 Peter Jackson

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003).

후보 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)


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Ang Lee

Brokeback Mountain (2005)Life of Pi (2012)

. 후보 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon  (2000)


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Martin Scorsese

The Departed (2006).

후보 Raging Bull (1980). The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) . Goodfellas (1990) . Gangs of New York (2002). The Aviator (2004). Hugo (2011) The Wolf of Wall Street(2013)



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Joel Coen/Ethan Coen

No Country for Old Men (2007).

 후보 Fargo (1996). True Grit (2010)


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Danny Boyle

 Slumdog Millionaire (2008).




Kathryn Bigelow

The Hurt Locker (2009)


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Tom Hooper

The King's Speech(2010)




 Michel Hazanavicius

 The Artist, (2011)




Alfonso Cuarón


Alejandro González Iñárritu 

Birdman (2014) The Revenant (2015)

후보 Babel (2006)


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