애니메이션이나 봅시다

2020.03.02 14:51

ssoboo 조회 수:440

제목에서 [코로나19]를 뺐지만;  애니메이션이 있는건 맞습니다;

그러므로 낚시는 아닙....;


애니메이션은 매우 직관적입니다.  교육용으로 아이들에게 보여 줘도 좋을거 같아요. 

쓰레드 전체를 다 보시는 걸 추천합니다.

#COVID19 is an infectious disease caused by a new #coronavirus introduced to humans for the first time. It spreads from person to person mainly through the droplets produced when an infected person speaks, coughs or sneezes.

To reduce your risk from the new #coronavirus infection:

-clean your hands regularly

-don't touch your face after touching contaminated surfaces

-clean surfaces regularly with disinfectant

-educate yourself about #COVID19

To reduce your risk from the new #coronavirus infection:

-avoid traveling if you have a fever/cough

-if you become sick while on a flight, inform the crew immediately

-if you cough/sneeze, do it into your sleeve or use a tissue

-if you feel unwell, stay at home & call your doctor

To reduce your risk from the new #coronavirus infection:

-if you are sick, stay at home; eat & sleep separately from your family; use different utensils & cutlery to eat

-if you develop shortness of breath, call your doctor & seek care immediately

If you are 60+, or have an underlying condition like cardiovascular disease, a respiratory condition or diabetes, 

you have a higher risk of developing severe #COVID19. 

Try to avoid crowded areas, or places where you might interact with people who are sick. #coronavirus

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